Page 5 - PR_Jubilee_300B_STEREOPLAY_2019_09_EN
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as in this case. Yet the Jubilee firmly grapping, gnarly and ex Octave Audio
300 B seems not to be of this tremely controlled bass on top. Jubilee 300 B
world, but rather needs to be Let’s leave reflections over 54,000 euros
located in some kind of 300 B watt and ampere aside for a mo Distribution: Octave Audio
Phone: +49 (0)7248 / 3278
universe. There it combines the ment. And instead look for a
supple, highly emotiona l and matching loudspeaker which Dimensions (W × H × D): 24 × 66 × 40 cm
always thrilling sound of the allows fullrange operation with (9.5 x 26 x 15.7 in.) mono block
old triode with an amount of the Octave. Then we’re simply Weight: 60 kg (132.5 lbs) each
essential purity, transparency going to listen to music. Over Measured values
and sheer power now which has the maybe, nah, the very best
never been heard from the 300 B valve amplifier you can buy for
(or any other valve amplifier). money and good words.
The fact that the quite rightly Roland Kraft ■
worldfamous valve is driven
with a certain reserve in a tra Frequency response charts
Balanced and wide-band with gentle roll-off
ditional circuit technology, will above 20 kHz, 0 dB at 10 Hz
be noticed in incredulous won TESTlab Octave_Jubilee 300_h 07/22/19 16:00:13
der only after pushing the mains -20
switch of the Jubilee 300 B. B V -60
Which also dynamically keeps -100
-120 10m 100m 500m 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1k
putting more wood on the fire W
in such a casual way that it ma Distortion analysis k2 to k5 vs. power
Rising evenly over output power with
kes a mockery of its own per dominant k2
formance data and proves to be Practice and compatibility
a rigid game partner for even Amplifier compatibility diagram
demanding loudspeakers. Okay, Medium output with good stability, trouble-
free with speakers from medium sensitivity
it will still not be able to move upward
mountains, but the subjectively Voltage 8 ohms 12.5 V
available output power is far Frequency response 2.6 dBs
Current 3 ohms 3.1 A
above the mere specs with a
Measured values
RMS output power (1 kHz, k = 3 %)
into 8 Ω 19 watts
into 4 Ω 30 watts
Peak output power (60 Hz burst)
From a metrological point an 8 Ω 19 Watt
of view, the Jubilee 300 B an 4 Ω 30 Watt
proves to be exceptionally S/N ratio
good. For an amp with no RCA (2.83 V into 8 Ω) 101 dBs
104 dBs
XLR (10 V into 8 Ω)
negative feedback, the
distortions also remain on a Power consumption
very low level. Standby/operation 0/331 watts
Bottom line: Octave’s new interpretation
of the 300 B topic is an amplifier which
eliminates all problems associated with the
single-ended mode at one go. This pleasure
has its price which does not even appear
too high for the world’s possibly best valve
Measured values Field test Value
Not a hybrid, but a pure valve design 6 6 10
and the classic 300 B basic circuit in the test verdict
signal path: in the “Low Gain“ setting an
Sound absolute top class 65
EF800 pentode serves as the driver; if a
higher amplification is needed, an
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
ECC82 can be switched upstream. Three Overall score
bias levels of 25, 50, and 70 milliamperes 87 points
allow to use various 300 B derivatives. Price/performance high-end
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