Page 2 - PR_Jubilee_300B_STEREOPLAY_2019_09_EN
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Test & Technology Valve power amplifier
Cost? Who cares. Effort? Huge.
Work manship? Uncompromising. Result?
Perfect. And not of this world (any more).
e don’t know if the control Octave. Just remember the Jubi
Wler and the accountant lee Mono SE, another genuine
came together at Andreas Hof monster, admittedly one with 400
mann’s laboratory to urgently watts. Aiming at a similar weight
advise the boss of Octave Audio and price range with a 300 B am
with a worried smile to take a plifier, though, is at least brave,
two or threeweek holiday. At if not even a little crazy. Well,
the Riviera maybe? Or some Andreas Hofmann – who is actu
placid spa resort? ally known for being a notorious
“Hence the Jubilee 300 B are a modern
and uncompromising implementation
of the probably best amplifier technology“
To be honest, we don’t even
know if Octave has hired a con
troller at all. But we believe that
the finance department would
definitely have had their own
view on the decision of building
an amplifier which puts two kil
ograms on the scales for each
generated watt and weighs 60
kilograms with a mono block de
sign – per unit, mind you.
To put it in a more sober way:
the Octave Jubilee 300 B delivers
30 watts per channel, one mono
block is 24 centimetres wide, 66
centimetres high and 40 centi
metres deep, together both monos
weigh in at 120 kilograms.
However, projects of this mag
nitude have a certain tradition at
12 09/19