Page 3 - PR_Jubilee_300B_STEREOPLAY_2019_09_EN
P. 3
pushpull pentode designer – the most urgent problems of the
has recently become addicted singleender had already been
to the singleended virus, yet solved here in an ingenious way,
by no means gone crazy. For i.e. the anode current preload
tunately, we need to admit, be of the output transformer. Sure,
cause (apart from a very few on the occasion of the V16 re
exceptions) there has been so view (stereoplay 5/17), Andre
phisticated boredom and tech as Hofmann had already con
nological gridlock with the firmed with a twinkling eye to
300 B topic. True, simple “take care“ of the 300 B as well.
“short“ circuit layouts and good But with regard to the size of
parts can soundwise substanti this project, the designer kept a
ate the hype of the singleended low profile.
300 B amps established by an
ancient Western Electric cinema Single-ended parallel mode
amplifier, but the fundamental The Jubilee 300 B renders trip
problems of this design, starting le homage to the famous triode
with low output power, re by wiring no less than three of
mained unsolved. these valves in parallel for in
The first hint into the new creased power. This results in
direction came with the Octave 30 watts of nominal output and
V16 Single Ended, an integrat thus compatibility with many
ed and headphone amplifier loudspeakers. What’s more:
which used the indirectly heat with his new amps Andreas
ed “modern“ KT120. One of Hofmann has managed to solve
An energy management for the supply and heating voltages ensures
a long valve life, a protection and overload system keeps safe from
operating errors and valve malfunctions. The quiescent current of the
three power valves is checked by a measuring device with a digital
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