Page 3 - PR_Jubilee_300B_STEREOPLAY_2019_09_EN
P. 3

push­pull pentode designer –   the most urgent problems of the
        has recently become addicted   single­ender had already been
        to the single­ended virus, yet   solved here in an ingenious way,
        by no means gone crazy. For­  i.e. the anode current preload
        tunately, we need to admit, be­  of the output transformer. Sure,
        cause (apart from a very few   on the occasion of the V16 re­
        exceptions) there has been so­  view (stereoplay 5/17), Andre­
        phisticated boredom and tech­  as Hofmann had already con­
        nological gridlock with the   firmed with a twinkling eye to
        300 B topic.  True, simple   “take care“ of the 300 B as well.
        “short“ circuit layouts and good   But with regard to the size of
        parts can soundwise substanti­  this project, the designer kept a
        ate the hype of the single­ended   low profile.
        300 B amps established by an
        ancient Western Electric cinema   Single-ended parallel mode
        amplifier, but the fundamental   The Jubilee 300 B renders trip­
        problems of this design, starting   le homage to the famous triode
        with low output power, re­  by wiring no less than three of
        mained unsolved.           these valves in parallel for in­
          The first hint into the new   creased power. This results in
        direction came with the Octave   30 watts of nominal output and
        V16 Single Ended, an integrat­  thus compatibility with many
        ed and headphone amplifier   loudspeakers. What’s  more:
        which used the indirectly heat­  with his new amps Andreas
        ed “modern“ KT120. One of   Hofmann has managed to solve

        An energy management for the supply and heating voltages ensures
        a long valve life, a protection and overload system keeps safe from
        operating errors and valve malfunctions. The quiescent current of the
        three power valves is checked by a measuring device with a digital

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