Page 3 - PR_HP700_MRE220_AUDIO_2021_10_EN
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Amplifiers › PRE-POWER COMBI

                                             preamp at 13,200 euros in its basic con-  control, at Octave only in charge for the
                                             figuration with a separate power supply,   level from time immemorial, won’t work
                        OcTAvE               Octave offers a cornucopia of options.   any more. Of course, we were already
                        HP 700 SE
           Distributor   Octave              In line with customer demands, the ow-  very happy with the “normal“ motorized
                        Tel. 0+49 (0)7248 3278
           www.            ner can compile – bit by bit or at one go   pot. How much pre-gain will be deli-
           List price   from 13200 Euro      –  compile  his  or  her  desired  preamp.   vered by the line stage with its ECC 82
           Warranty period  2 years (3 years w. registr.)  This flexibility, which can be found only   and two of the notoriously low-hum,
           Dimensions W x H x D 47 x 13 x 48 cm / 18.5 x 5.1 x 18.9
                        in. (w/o power supply)  with very few competitors in high-end,   low-distortion Telefunken EF 800, is
           Weight       10.0 kg / 22.1 lbs; 3.8 kg / 8.4
                        lbs (power supply)   deserves an extra fanfare.         switchable  in  three  (Low,  Med,  and
           cONNEcTIONS                         Who needs more than the three RCA   High) gain levels.
           Phono MM/MC  optional/optional
           Line level RCA / XLR  3/2 (plus 2 optional each)  and two XLR inputs can have appropria-  But the phono op¬tions are truly
           Digital USB/opt./koax  –/–/–/–    te modules (about 600 euros) screwed   awesome. Those who want to run one
           Tape/Pre-Out RCA / XLR •/2/2      into the corresponding slots. Owners of   or two turntables or pickups respec-
           Output selector   optional        several power amps who like to switch   tively, will first have the basic phono
           Tone controls/defeatable optional  between these can select the two RCA   board for 1,500 euro installed which is
           Bypass for multi-channel •
           Special features  Stepped level attenuator (optional)  and two XLR outputs via the “Control   equipped with one ECC83 (12 AX 7),
                                             Module“ (2,500 euros, see previous pa-  ECC81 (12 AT 7) and ECC88 (6922, 6
           AUDIOgRAM              10/2021    ge). The control unit also contains a so-  DJ 8) each and takes care of the RIAA
           Åsuper flexible; open,  Ífully equipped not che-  phisticated tone control. Ultra high-en-  equalization as well as the adaptation
           fast and dynamic; sen-  ap, only volume remote-
           sational MC stage  controllable   ders who want to make no more com-  to line level. However, if you want to
           Sound Line/MC  138/135 (step-up)  promises at all in terms regarding the   connect a moving magnet, a moving
           Features      depending on option
           Operation     very good           volume control issue, may want to   iron (MI) or a high-output moving coil
           Verarbeitung  überragend          choose the 47-position step switch opti-  (HOMC) pickup system, you’ll need to
               SOUND vERDIcT 138 POINTS      on. But with the precise, finely graded   shell out another 435 euros for the cor-
           PRIcE/PERFORMANcE  HIGHENDIG SUPERB  resistor network the standard remote   responding MM input module with

                  OPtIOn 2: For the review Octave sent the HP 700 SE with no less than two – retrofittable – phono stages (left) for MCs.
                                The one with the transformer (“step-up transformer“) proved to be a real high flyer

           MEASURInG LAB

            The very broadband (frequency diagram
            left, red graph: line) and low-distortion
            (THD: 0.001 %, right graph) HP 700 SE
            delights with excellent S/N ratios: the 76
            dBs for Phono MC are great for tube am-
            ps, the 108 dBs for line RCA absolute
            world class. The output impedance of 150
            ohms with line and XLR also allows to use
            long cables to power amps.

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