Page 2 - PR_HP700_MRE220_AUDIO_2021_10_EN
P. 2

Amplifiers › PRE-POWER COMBI

          – the author is still and remains very   (which correspond to ECC 82 and   still insulated using paper-based materi-
          sceptical as to Octave’s “tube rolling“ –   12AU7). The 6SN7GT driver tube also   al and not polyester. Unlike many com-
          can toggle between “High“ for the   combines two triode systems in one litt-  petitors Octave doesn’t offer discrete
          KT120 and “Low“ with a switch on the   le vacuum glass tube. The steadily refi-  taps for speakers with an impedance of
          rear panel. A stability doping for the   ned circuit dates back to the year 1994   say 4, 8 or 16 ohms. Why is this? First
          MRE  220,  which  cost  a  little  under   when Hof-mann launched his first pent-  because these values fluctuate over the
          20,000 euros per pair, is also quite le-  odes with the MRE 120.    frequency anyway, and second because
          gally available: via the Black Box (1,090                           Octave pentodes should be able to cope
          euros) or the Super Black Box (2,750 eu-  PLENTY OF FLEXIBILITY     with the majority of the world’s louds-
          ros), the capacity of the power supply   Now as before his company winds the   peakers no matter what.
          can be beefed up substantially.   transformers inhouse. That way he has   Clearly more flexibility is demonstra-
           The signal processing is done by good   full control over the soundwise crucial   ted by the connection panel of the HP
          old friends: two ECC802 double triodes   output transformers as well, which are   700 SE preamplifier. For the line level

          OPtIOn: The “Control Module“ for the HP 700 SE is optionally available. It serves to switch the outputs, dial in the balance via pre-level control
          (right) as well as lows and highs with the ECC 88 double triode (left). The unit which is operated from above sits in the front part of the cover lid then.

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