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Amplifiers › PRE-POWER COMBI

          BROTHERS GLIM(M)

                                                   With the HP 700 SE
                                                preamp and the MRE 220
            W                                   designed a fairy tale tube      also been used in his circuits from the
                  hen talking about tubes in high
                                                 mono blocks Octave has
                                                                                very beginning. Not in the signal path,
                  fidelity, we occasionally consi-
                  der ourselves being in a fairy ta-
           le. Along comes some Brother Lustig    combi. But it’s not the       but e.g. where operating voltages need
                                                                                to be regulated, con¬trolled and stabi-
           proclaiming that only the glowing glass   magic work of a good fairy   lized. After pentodes had been used in
           bulbs can awake a sound system from   – common sense and un-         Octave power amps for decades (“Klei-
           its sleeping beauty slumber. The scene                               ne Röhrenkunde/Little Tube Lore“, see
           overgrown by a lot of legends someti-   derstanding prevail.         AUDIO 7/20, page 28) to deliver the
           mes reminds the author of the household    ■  By Lothar Brandt       output power in push-pull mode, with
           tale “The Little Old Man Made Young by                               the V 16 (5/18) and the Jubilee 300 B
           Fire“  which the Brothers  Grimm  had                                he created amp gems with the 300 B
           swiped from early-modern shoemaker,   pertise down to the last winding of   triode in single-ended mode. And in
           meistersinger and lyric poet Hans Sachs:   mains or output transformers, resting on   the V 70 class-A integrated amplifier
           Jesus rejuvenates, i.e. smartens up a   an earthquake-proof mountain of experi-  (11/20) he successfully integrated,
           beggar by putting him into the fire at a   ence and relying on an armada of mea-  against all doctrines, the class-A mode
           blacksmith’s workshop. The presump-  surements. Other pillars which Octave’s   into the push-pull operation.
           tuous blacksmith tries the trick on his   success story – not a fairy tale – banks   On the other hand, in the mono tube
           mother-in-law which miserably fails. Mo-  on: operational safety and durability.  power amp – abridged MRE 220 – now
           ral: any kind of art needs to be mastered.                           prevails a powerful push-pull mode
            Only very few people master the art of   POWER GALORE               again. The generous output – the
           tube amp building so well like Andreas   Numerous features such as the “soft   measuring lab ascertained 234 watts in-
           Hofmann. However, for decades the   start“ lo¬gic or the rigorous electronic   to 4 ohms – is provided by four pento-
           boss of the Baden mid-sized company   monitoring of all parameters serve this   des from Russian maker Tung Sol, me-
           Octave has been fighting against fairy   value preservation. But also the coura-  anwhile Hofmann’s almost exclusive
           tales, myths and exorbitances of the in-  ge to challenge dog¬mas and to bite   purveyor by appointment. As standard
           dustry. His HP 700 SE/MRE 220 pre-/  the bullet characterize Hof¬mann’s am-  we see four KT120s glow. Those who
           power amp trio are also creatures of a   plifiers. For instance, those transistors   want to experiment with the equal-base
           knowledgeable mind, based on solid ex-  demonized by other developers have   KT88, KT90, KT100, 6550 or even EL34

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