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test                                                                                                                                                                                 test

        valve amplifier                                                                                                                                                                  valve amplifier

          Then we encountered what was for us   smooth, even through transition from
        its highlight — delivering vinyl. The phono   nudging down to ramping down, and
        stage on the V80 SE is an option, and   the fade occurs sufficiently fast to
        comes dedicated to either moving magnet   be used as a mute if, say, the
        ($POA) or moving coil ($999) curves, not   phone rings.
        switchable. Distributor BusiSoft AV kindly   You might
        supplied a V 80 SE with a moving-coil   just want
        phono stage though, shamefaced to relate,   to park
        we had no moving-coil cartridge to hand. So   that call,
        instead we used our usual Musical Fidelity   mind you,
        phono stage and preamp in order to connect   given the heights
        our Thorens turntable, taking advantage of   of delight this amplifier conjured from the
        one of the Octave’s points of versatility to do   grooves of the very first disc we randomly   ability to deliver such spectacularly snappy
        so. If you switch the righthand small knob to   plucked, side three of a 2-LP Morricone   dynamics with such authority. Some can
        what Octave calls the ‘Extern’ function, you   compilation, and from Once Upon A Time   turn the tap on quickly but not off; this was
        can use the V 80 SE as a two-channel power   in America to The Falls from ‘The Mission’,   slam without overhang. Riveting listening.  A higher Octave         — the auto ‘switch off’ wasn’t on by default
        amp, in this case with our separate preamp   there was a scintillating spiritually musical   With everything firmly warmed up by   We remembered, then, that the V 80 SE can be   when the amp reached us. But after leaving it
        plugged into the “Master Input”. This   delivery of every element; the combination   now, we rechecked the bias. Still perfect.  upgraded with one of two levels of Black Box. That’s   glowing away for a couple of days by mistake
        doesn’t, however, head at full level direct to   of richness and clarity to the strings was   Of course, one downside of this amplifier   what they’re called — the Black Box and the Super   and returning to rather over-radiated room
        the power amps, since the Octave’s volume   glorious. Ruthlessly revealing too — indeed   is the lack of a DAC — there are no digital   Black Box (pictured above left). Both upgrade the   warmth, we engaged Ecomode via the second
        knob is still in circuit — certainly safer, but   on the climax of The Falls the difficulty of   inputs, no USB, no optical. But we had our   power supply by adding additional capacitance, the   DIP switch on the back, so the amplifier’s
        leaving you a choice of two volume controls.   cutting the complex and rich bass to the    usual Musical Fidelity USB DAC wired into   Black Box ($1699) said to quadruple the original    valve circuitry would be turned off during
        The manual says “When using this option,   inner grooves was clear to hear. It barely   it, and listened to all kinds of files, high-res   farad count, and the Super Black Box ($3999) to   perceived breaks of more than 10 minutes
        you should generally set the volume control   dented our enthusiasm.  and low, both playing through our own            multiply it by ten.                     in playback. That’s a pretty short break, with
        on the V 80 SE to maximum and adjust   With sound this good, we were quick to   preamp and through the V 80 SE’s own     Well we’d been sent a Super Black Box, so we   the price of a minute’s SoftStart wait when
        the volume with the external preamplifier.”   head to our Led Zeppelin 180g remasters.    unbalanced CD input.         plugged it in alongside...  you couldn’t be putting it   you return, but the reward is longer valve
        It seems curious to suggest crushing the   We span up the main disc of ‘Zep II’.   Again the sound was solid-edged in   on top, since the Octave runs hot — not quite hand-  life, less heat, and a lower power bill from
        waveform at source in this way (also raising   Dear God. The size of the bass on the   presentation, the piano entry percussive   burning hot, but pretty close. (The cage is a safety   those forgotten moments, since its normal
        the noise-floor of the not silent V 80 SE),   intro to Moby Dick; the weight and speed of   on Diana Krall’s Alone Again Naturally,   necessity, as well as a legal one.) The Super Black   idling consumes 180W while the Ecomode
        unless perhaps the V 80 SE’s performance   Bonham’s kick drums.! If you’re one who   a delightful delicacy to the brushwork   Box requires no mains, looped in via a multi-pole   consumes 30W — it’s not a full standby mode,
        is compromised at low levels — but this is   generally skips the Moby Dick drum solo,   and her voice velvet with its sibilants   connector on a flying lead to the back panel. It’s not   as the headphone output and ‘record’ circuits
        not usually, and certainly not here, an issue   well, we listened to it three times over here,    impeccably human, effs and esses with no   something you can easily A-B in a listening session,   remain active… 30W is still a good few
        with valve amplifiers, quite the reverse. So   partly for the dynamics and depth that   emphasis, no spit. It was still an unflap-  and it will be most useful for assisting the V 80 SE   lightbulbs’ worth, so we switched it off entirely
        we went the other way, giving the V 80 SE   made it real at a reference level, and partly   pable sound, just occasionally thinning a   in dominating any difficult speaker loads at times   after listening. If we remembered.
        a full-level direct output from the preamp/  to confirm an edit we’d never noticed where   vocal — McCartney on Every Night, Glenn   of high density and dynamics. We found it didn’t
        DAC and having the usual control range   the level jumps up and the left kick drum   Shorrock on Reminiscing. We had it paired   vastly alter things with our sensitive horn speakers,   Conclusions
        available using the Octave’s volume knob.  goes from perfectly recorded to slightly over-  with Dynaudio’s Special Forty speakers for   though with one particularly stubborn standmount   Great joys from the Octave V 80 SE during
          While the knobs on the V 80 SE are   modded. New discoveries on a Zep album?   a while, and the imaging was downright   pair it seemed to add an extra level of confidence to   its stay, driving a series of visiting speakers
        nicely weighted, volume control is most   Music geek heaven.          forensic, every instrument on its axis —         performance, an unflappability when punching out   as well as our usual suspects. While the Black
        conveniently enjoyed using the supplied   Since with all this we were using our usual   those panned harmonies on Reminiscing a   dynamics and handling high density music.   Box concept will be useful for those pairing
        heavy two-button remote. (Yes, just two   phono stage and preamp, this showed the   spatial thrill, if just a bit light; we found the   Headphone lovers will suffer a bizarrely placed   it with demanding speakers, for us the
        buttons, volume up and down — that’s   merits of the power amps in particular. We   performance more convincing through the   headphone socket, positioned between and below   versatility of conjoining of a vinyl source and
        enough, isn’t it? What else do you plan to   have had large reserves of power to hand   MF preamp to the Octave’s output stage.   the speaker connections — convenient for ad hoc use   separate preamp with the Octave output
        do?) The response of the buttons is perfectly   before, but none that so well matched the   We were just loving that output stage.   it ain’t. But there’s a three-position DIP switch on   valves proved particularly divine, creating
                                                                                                                               the back — no headphone output, headphone and   true hi-fi magnificence of reality at the
                                                                                                                               speaker output, or just headphone output. So you can   highest levels.    Jez Ford
                                                                                                                               have a 6.5mm extension lead permanently plugged
                                                                                                                               in at the back, then use this switch to turn it on and
                                                                                                                               off. (Why a position for both? Some people like it   SPECS
                                                                                                                               that way, enjoying the detail of open headphones   Octave V 80 SE                $14,999
                                                                                                                               and the physical impact and room effect of speakers.
                                                                                                                               It works best with bass-light and open designs, like   Quoted power output:
                                                                                                                               Sennheiser’s HD 800.) And we should thank Octave   2 x 120W (< 0.1% THD @10W into  4 ohms)
                                                                                                                               for including a headphone socket at all — it’s not   Inputs: 5 x line-level RCA, 1 x XLR balanced,
                                                                                                                               unusual to omit them on valve amps, and indeed this   phono optional (see text)
                                                                                                                               one uses a solid-state output stage, and one which has   Outputs: 1 x record out, 1 x pre-out, 1 x Master Out,
                                                                                                                               immense headroom; our AKGs are neither especially   1 x headphone out, 2 x speakers out
                                                                                                                               high sensitivity nor low impedance but we kept them   Dimensions (whd): 450 x 175 x 415mm
                                                                                                                               firmly in the first third of the dial, enough to enjoy the   Weight: 23kg
                                                                                                                               V 80 SE’s preamp performance via that output.
                                                                                                                                 As for Ecomode, we powered things down and up   Contact: BusiSoft AV
                                                                                                                               manually most of our time with the V 80 SE using the   Telephone: 03 9810 2900
                                                                                                                               rocker switch on the left side of the glowing chassis   Web:

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