Page 3 - PR_V16_STEREOPLAY_201708_EN_H5
P. 3

Full Circle

          Octave mastermind Andreas Hofmann is always good for a surprise. Now the

               obsessively perfectionist audio nerd has, en passant, revolutionised the
                        single-ended design. And created a sensational amplifier.

            fter  all, we  don’t know   der what audio demon got into   from its notorious shortco-  liest days of electrical enginee-
        Awhat pushed him to take   A. Hofmann. Did he fall for the   mings, hitherto carved in stone.   ring, i. e. the 1910s and 1920s,
        this decision. Because normally   single-ended virus? Or purchase   The result, to come straight to   when people had just started
        A. Hofmann swears by his own   horn-loaded loudspeakers?  the point, is nothing short of an   exploring the properties of the
        principles. And these would ac-                       acoustical sensation.      newly developed electronic val-
        tually prohibit him to even think   None of those things is true.                ve. Within a surprisingly short
        about single-ended valve amps.  On the contrary, Andreas Hof-  The single-ended amplifier   period of time, the most brilliant
                                   mann had an idea. More pre-  is the world’s oldest amp de-  heads of that epoch managed to
          Way too little output power,   cisely: an idea which can be   sign. In fact the very first, to be   cast the physics of those valves
        barely acceptable distortions   used to free the single-ender   precise. It dates back to the ear-  into figures and formulas
        and an HF frequency response
        similar to that of a rotary phone.
        And let’s not forget the hardly   A lot of little electronic
        tolerable  hum  and,  to  make   helpers organise and protect
        things worse, a bass roll-off   the puristic valve technology
        which – in the eyes of a perfec-  in the signal path, which is
        tionist – is nothing but a disas-  designed around the
        ter. So the bottom line would   affordable, robust KT120
        be a definitive no-go for Octave.   workhorse.
        Because Octave valve ampli-
        fiers must be demonstrably as
        perfect as their builder is known
        to tick.

          And now look at this: a sin-
        gle-ended headphone amp
        which is also an integrated am-
        plifier. Sure, only with the usu-
        al 8 to 12 single-ended watts,
        but this will do, provided you’ve
        got the right loudspeakers. Or
        the “wrong“, technically very
        incorrect headphones, whose
        operation would actually requi-
        re the power of a toaster. All
        this is no problem for the brand-
        new Octave V 16 Single Ended,
        which even reduces the famili-
        ar Octave look to absurdity, co-
        ming along as a chunky portrait
        format cube with a felt 20 kilo-
        grammes. So we may now won-

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